Ron & Janice Hastie Ministry Scholarship
The Ron and Janice Hastie Ministry Scholarship Endowment was established by benevolent gifts from Don and Linda DeVries, as well as Tom and Heather DeVries in 2019. This incredible response of generosity stemmed from a thirty-year business relationship Ron Hastie Jr. had with the DeVries family. The DeVries wanted to contribute a gift that Ron and his family believe in and valued. The gift of furthering God’s kingdom through Northwest University (NU) students, reflects his thankfulness and admiration for the lifelong ministry work of his parents – Ron Sr. and Janice Hastie.
This scholarship honors an important Hastie heritage and commitment to the Assemblies of God (AG) Church, with years of ministry stemming from generations of loyal ministers. This scholarship was established to edify NU students seeking the same noble goals, living the life of a good and faithful servant, and answering the call of God to ministry and the care of His people. The scholarships awarded are based on a commitment and potential for future full-time ministry.
Serving faithfully, Ron and Janice were in full-time ministry with the AG Church for forty-two years. Devoted with intentionality about their relationships, they spent significant time and effort in coaching and educating young pastors. For various lengths of time, Ron also served on the Board of Directors of Evangel University, President of Trinity Bible College in Ellendale, ND and served as Presbyters in the NW District. Meanwhile, Janice would lead the women’s ministry and worship, regardless of where they were. They enjoyed helping the smaller churches and encouraging pastors.
Ron was the son of David Arthur Hastie, an AG minister his whole life along with the Superintendent of the AG in Southern Missouri while pastoring Central AG in Springfield, MO. David was a baby in the pictures taken in Hot Springs, Arkansas in 1914 when his parents along with a couple hundred others gathered to start the AG Church.
A servant of Christ Jesus, pastor to many, a husband and father, Ron dedicated his life to the invaluable cause of bringing the kingdom of God to families all around the nation. He brought honor to his heritage—one that was a part of the founding of the Assemblies of God, full of great men who followed their calling of pastoring and teaching. Ron ran the race with perseverance, glorifying God and leading many to the Savior.
Carrying on his legacy, Janice remains a constant source of wisdom and joy through her gift of music. She taught piano to both her children and grandchildren, filling their lives with beautiful music. Her daughter Susan, formerly taught in the Music Department at Northwest University. Janice continues ministering even now with her gift of encouragement and knowledge of scripture to help others in need.
Ron Hastie Jr., a servant of Christ Jesus and partner of the Church, continually dedicates time and treasure to the benefit of the Church. Following in his father’s footsteps, Ron Jr. honors this heritage by living a life dedicated to meeting the call of God to serve His people with humility and compassion, and love.
Ron Hastie Jr. serves as Treasurer on the NU Board of Directors. His wife Talia, serves as Ambassador to the NU Board of Trustees. Both their sons, Ronnie and Cole, are NU alumni.
I would just like to say thank you again for this scholarship. It was the answer to a prayer I did not even know I was praying. I cannot express enough how much this meant to me. It is an amazing blessing and impact that I will never forget.
–Caitlyn Bawden
Recipient of the Ron and Janice Hastie Ministry ScholarshipNext Steps
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