About Us
Dr. Joshua R. Ziefle | Director
In addition to serving as the Director of the CCTF, Dr. Joshua R. Ziefle is Dean of the College of Ministry at Northwest University in Kirkland, Washington. Originally from New Jersey, he completed a BA in History from Houghton College before matriculating in the MDiv program at Princeton Theological Seminary. His academic interests in religious history culminated in a PhD in American Church History from Princeton Seminary. During his doctoral studies he served for six years as the youth pastor of Nassau Christian Center (A/G).
Here at Northwest, Dr. Ziefle has taught courses in both the College of Ministry and the College of Arts and Sciences. He is an ordained minister with the Assemblies of God and serves the Northwest Ministry Network as an appointed presbyter. Together with Dr. Don Ross, he is the author of the recently published A Tale of Two Churches: Why Being Both Missional & Pentecostal Matters (2018). Dr. Ziefle enjoys reading, teaching, and reflecting on topics related to history and theology. He and his wife Rachel currently live outside of Seattle.